Ucraina, Zelensky: “Russi entrati a Kiev, ma io resto”. Russia: “Durerà tempo necessario”. Dolore tra gli Ucraini in Italia (LIVE TV)

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NordEst – “La Russia rappresenta il male”. Così il presidente dell’Ucraina Volodymyr Zelensky parlando di una “battaglia davvero dura” condotta dalle forze armate ucraine “respingendo gli attacchi russi a est, nord e sud”. “Il nemico sta subendo perdite e ne avrà ancora di più grandi perché hanno invaso la nostra terra”, ha quindi sottolineato. “Da oggi i nostri paesi si trovano su lati diversi nella storia mondiale- ha continuato parlando in russo – decidete da che parte stare, ascoltate la vostra coscienza”.

Non cederemo la nostra libertà, qualsiasi cosa pensi Mosca”, ha quindi sottolineato. E dopo aver rivolto un appello alla popolazione a ”donare sangue” perché ”ci sono militari feriti negli ospedali” che ne hanno bisogno”, ha confermato di aver ”troncato i rapporti diplomatici con la Russia”. Perché ”questa mattina passerà alla storia, ma è una storia diversa per l’Ucraina e la Russia”, ha detto.

La Russia ci ha attaccato in maniera cinica proprio come fece la Germania nazista durante la Seconda guerra mondiale”, ha detto ancora Zelensky nel suo discorso alla nazione. ”Il futuro di tutto il popolo dell’Ucraina dipende da ognuno dei suoi cittadini”, ha sottolineato il presidente ucraino rivolgendosi alla nazione. ”Daremo armi a chiunque voglia difendere il Paese. Siate pronti a sostenere l’Ucraina nelle piazze delle nostre città”, ha aggiunto.

”Ogni volontario potrà avere le armi, tutti coloro che hanno esperienza nei combattimenti devono recarsi nei centri corrispondenti. Il ministero degli Interni richiama i veterani per difendere il Paese”, ha detto quindi.

L’operazione militare in Ucraina durerà “il tempo necessario”. Lo afferma il Cremlino in una nota nella quale sostiene di voler “ripulire e liberare” l’Ucraina dagli elementi nazisti. La Russia, si legge nella nota, “non può essere rinchiusa dietro una cortina di ferro”.

Una “coalizione anti-Putin” per “costringere la Russia alla pace”, aveva scritto su Twitter Zelensky. “Ho parlato con il presidente degli Stati Uniti, con Olaf Scholz, Charles Michel, Andrzej Duda e Boris Johnson. Fermare immediatamente Putin e la guerra contro l’Ucraina e il mondo! Costruire una coalizione anti-Putin – scrive – Sanzioni immediate, difesa e sostegno finanziario all’Ucraina. Chiudere lo spazio aereo. Il mondo deve costringere la Russia alla pace”. “Il mondo è con noi”, aveva scritto ancora Zelensky, riferendo che “continua i negoziati con i leader”. “Abbiamo ricevuto il sostegno dell’emiro del Qatar”, ha aggiunto.

Segui webcam e tv

. Kiev webcams (-) The Maidan live webcam offers live views from the Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kiev, the central square of Kiev located at Khreshchatyk Street.
. . Odessa Centre (-) This webcam is located in the middle of the Panteleimonovskaya Street, Odessa.
. . Odessa Deribasovskaya str. (-) Webcam view of the Odessa Deribasovskaya street. The street is named after Jose de Ribas, who was the builder of Odessa, the head of military and civil administration and had a house on this street.
. . Odessa, Theatre (-) Live webcam view of the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet in Odessa, Ukraine. Odessa is the third largest city in Ukraine located on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea. counting a population of over 1 million. The webcam is made available by the Odessa City Council.
. 24 TV (Ukrainian) 24 TV is the first 24/7 News TV channel from the Ukraine. The channel was founded in 2006. It claims to present an objective and unbiased presentation of news, interesting and useful information for the viewer of the day. 24 TV delivers news in 30-minute blocks of information: recent developments in the political arena, Ukraine and the world economic news, sport, showbiz, technology, auto, tourism. In addition, the viewer is informed about the weather, exchange rates and press reviews.
. 5 TV (Ukrainian) 5 TV is a TV channel based in Kiev, the Capital and the largest city of Ukraine. 5 TV was launched in 2003 and play’s a great roll in the reporting of the political developements in the Ukraine.
. Channel 4 (Ukrainian) Channel 4 is a news channel. The channel claims to be there for people with an active life position who do not care where and how they live. Who want and are ready to change their lives, fight for their rights, and who need to know what their city and country live.
. Espreso TV (Ukrainian) Espreso TV is a privatly owned TV channel from Kiev, Ukraine. It was founded in 2013. It mainly broadcasts the most current and most relevant news to people in Ukraine, to Ukrainians living abroad, and to all others interested in what is happening in Ukraine. Espreso TV aims to unite those who care about democratization of Ukraine and is dedicated to accurate and objective reporting of political, social, and cultural life in Ukraine.
. Glas TV (Ukrainian) Glas TV is a general TV channel based in Kiev. It offers high levels of documentary and educational films, entertainment and educational programs.
. Nash TV (Ukrainian) Nash (translated into english=OUR) is a News TV channel Based in Kiev. The channel is in an experimental stage at the moment.
. PRM Direct TV (Ukrainian) PRM is a brand new informative TV channel. PRM was founded in 2017. The headquarter is based in Kyiv. The mission of PRM is to highlight socially important events in Ukraine and in the world as objectively, locally and accurately as possible.
. TK Union Donetsk (Russian) The TV channel Union is a patriotic TV channel. It is formed in accordance with the principles of nation-building as set out in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Donetsk, considering and respecting the traditional religious, social, cultural and moral values ??of the Russian World.
. Y24 Ukraine 24 (Ukrainian) Ukraine 24 is a nationwide information and analytical TV channel for the creation of which the consolidated capabilities of all the assets of Media Group Ukraine. The TV channel is always frank with the viewer 24/7 and objectively reports only honest news.
. Zik TV (Ukrainian)
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